With an ever aging population in the Torrevieja area we have begun offering support services as part of our supporting our community. The services are broad and designed to suit the needs of the individual. I have expanded out some of the types of things we do below.
- One of our clients is no longer able to drive but wants to remain as independent as possible. In this scenario we arrange to pick them up, take them shopping and assist with unpacking at their home (unless they want to unpack themselves).
- Someone recently lost their partner and we arrange to meet up with them a couple of times a week and give them a daily call. Assisting them to keep to their normal routine.
- Although many doctors speak English in Spain we do assist with doctor’s visits, giving support and dealing with administration, picking up prescriptions and assisting with anything that someone is having difficulty.
- General administration and daily life management is sometimes difficult in Spain. Not just for the elderly, but cancelling things like mobile phone contracts after changing supplier can sometimes be difficult. These types of things we can deal with for you. But also things like NIE, residency and getting setup with car insurance, medical insurance (private or state) or any other task that someone needs help with.
- Household maintenance and cleaning is often difficult for elderly especially with things like swimming pools or larger homes and gardens. We can deal with daily, weekly and monthly maintenance. Everything from dusting and floor cleaning to landscaping and pool maintenance.
- Collect and putting together of furniture is another service we offer as we are well aware that although things in IKEA and other stores are designed for driving away. Putting them together can be a task many don’t want to do. But we are happy to carry this out for you and can even collect from the stores for you. The same goes for small maintenance tasks such as hanging shelves, repairing a door lock or putting up blinds or curtains.
These are but a few examples of what services we can offer not only for the elderly but anyone needing or wanting them. We are more than happy to help where we can and can even be a key holder or emergency contact. Give is a call today to discuss your needs.